no of course not

Happy Birthday hiraethhhhH!!!!!! sorry for the mess,

I didn't have much time to make this look very pretty so I just used your old code that you spent a lot of time on, is very nice looking, and I appreciated by me a lot hopefully it's satisfactory hey here's some messages from some people


happy birthday hiraeth

Amelia (FEMALE)

:( Hiya. You're probably sitting there yet again procastinating from studying reading some stupid shit the really annoying friend made again, and you're probably expecting me to further the hurt you've already experienced from the page above by not putting any effort at all into this message and ruining the vibe, but, I wanted to try a similar thing to what you tried and just say that while it may not seem like it, it's pretty cool having you around to code stuff with and rarely, play games (and actually enjoy them) with. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be working so hard on the projects I work hard on today and I would very much be even more of a script kiddie than I already am when it comes to HTML and CSS development. So the things you've taught me and allowed me to learn in terms of that stuff (especially like the frontend of Phoenix) has been very cool.

I understand if this sounds petty and shit, because this was done in the span of like 15 minutes - but I'm hoping that you won't care since I'm just a useless friend, and you also kinda expected nothing, so this can either be better or about the same, right? I hope so lol

we both have times where we're insensitive and disagree but the fact that despite all of that we still even talk to each other and I haven't just entirely left you is truly impressive. Thus you will continue to be one of my weird long-lasting friends likely for many years to come (assuming either of us don't die). Even then, you'll always be respected as a significant influence on my life and my projects (even my youtube channel just as much as my many exes are.

this has been your annoying friend, and I hope you have a nice birthday, idk what you do on your birthdays, but if it's something fun then make sure you have fun or something

you may have noticed ive been causing my typing quality to go down more and more to try and connect with you on a personal level throughout this message

i hope it worked


Hioo Hiraeth I really haven't known you for that long just a handful of months but the time we've spent together has been fun with some chill Rocket League matches. I hope you have a wonderful birthday bud.